Joining ALCN

Who can join             

Membership is open to any organisation and individuals working to achieve the ALCN mission. Members represent Australian communities, small shires, towns, cities, organisations, learning networks, and individuals advocating the benefits of learning communities and learning cities.

ALCN is a strong supporter of the development of collaborative learning networks, for example, the Hume Learning Community Inc. and LearnWest, both in Victoria.


Benefits of Membership           

The ALCN Inc offers several benefits to its membership:

  • It develops policy & strategic direction for its membership across Australia.
  • It advocates and lobbies for members at national and State levels
  • It is a contact port of call to connect with a network of highly skilled learning community practitioners:
    • to talk through issues and help members.
    • to act as a reference and information point for current and potential members to gain assistance and information about learning communities and learning cities.
  • It is an information storehouse on learning communities and learning cities. This includes our Website, Facebook, regular newsletters, case studies, and instances of innovative practice.
  • It promotes the work of Australian learning communities and learning cities.
  • It a reference point for international trends in learning communities and cities with strong links to the PASCAL International Observatory and the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.
  • It is a reference point for any Australian City that wishes to join the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.

Contact us HERE for further information..


Join our Organisation ………………

To join please download our brochure and read and contact Dr. Leone Wheeler, Hon. CEO, ALCN. HERE

Membership Fees

Individuals $55.00 (per annum)

Organisations $330.00 (per annum)

Profile of our Members            


Learning Cities

Gwydir Learning Region

Melton Learning City

Wollongong City

Wyndham Learning City

Townsville Learning City

Gwydir Learning Region (GLR)

Originally formed in 2000, the Gwydir Learning Region (GLR) has gone from strength to strength, building on the ‘can do’ attitude in the local community. Winner of the 2006 NSW Training Initiative Award, it is a model for other areas wanting to promote community development, enhance regional development and establish itself as a learning community. The GLR is a committee of Council whose function is to maximise the training and education opportunities for residents of our shire. We do this by working collaboratively with a range of training providers, by nurturing close relationships with local schools and by providing trade training facilities for full-time school students looking for a pathway into a trade.

We have recently become a Registered Training Organisation, specialising in Heavy Vehicle licences, with plans to extend the scope to other courses such as heavy plant.

To find out more about Gwydir Learning Region, please listen to a recent presentation by CEO, Mr. Max Eastcott HERE(*Please note that the load time may vary depending on your connection. (Filesize: 144Mb))





Melton Learning City

The transformation of Melton, from a learning community to a City of Learning.


Melton Learning

Wyndham Learning Festival

The sixth Wyndham Learning Festival (WLF) is Wyndham’s largest annual learning event, focusing on promoting learning across the lifespan. This year’s festival held from 1-5 September was a smaller, curated program ensuring that all community members had the opportunity to find a learning event of interest. With the theme of ‘Re-emerge, Connect & Thrive’, the 2021 WLF provided a celebration for the community living through a challenging time and offered hope for reemerging brighter and better into the future!

Read more
The Wyndham Learning Festival Report is available here.


City of Wollongong – Developing a Learning City

The City of Wollongong is a Local Government Area (LGA) in the Illawarra region about 80km south of Sydney. Wollongong is the third-largest city in New South Wales and is bordered by an escarpment to the west, the ocean to the east and Lake Illawarra to the south. Wollongong was originally inhabited by the Dharawal people and today is home to nearly a quarter of a million people.

Read more here: Wollongong Learning City Profile


Wyndham Learning City

Infographic about their Learning Community Journey



Townsville Library during COVID-19


As the Townsville City Councils representatives and the responsible team, Townsville, City Libraries have worked with Learning leaders in the community. During its term, the Townsville Learning Communities Leadership group has identified:

Next term, we will:

  • continue to meet bi-monthly, share information and collaborate  and advocate for the value of Lifelong Learning as a pathway to community growth and wellbeing
  • finalise the TCC Lifelong Learning Strategic Action Plan
  • support City Libraries Townsville in the implementation of the Strategic Plan and
  • support the Council’s application to UNESCO Global Learning Cities

Our Partners              


Australian Partners