Time: 4 pm (16:00 hours) Australian Eastern Time or 2pm (14:00 hours) Australian Western Standard Time
The Collective Impact Assessment Tool (CIAT) (City of Melton, 2017), is a tool for measuring and evaluating the strength of partnerships in contributing to the achievement of collaborative projects.
Many publicly funded projects in Australia require the formation of partnerships to achieve agreed-upon outcomes. How do you know your partnership is strong? How do you provide evidence that your partnership project is moving towards sustainability, especially when the start-up funds are no longer there? These are some of the issues practitioners have to consider. Hear about how this online tool is being applied in a range of situations from the evaluation of the Learning Community/City partnership projects (e.g. Wyndham Learning Community Strategy 2014-2017) to a broad range of other projects in the health and community development sectors.
The ALCN is supporting this Webinar and I am the moderator so please register. It will be a great session! A flyer is attached.
Register online: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/applying-a-collective-impact-assessment-tool-to-measure-partnerships-tickets-116188686489?ref=estw
Reference: City of Melton (2017). “Collective Impact Assessment Tool (CIAT).” Retrieved from https://meltonciat.com/.